We know how to
play the game


We’re in the business of
getting you finance

When you understand the rules of the game, then you know how to play it to your advantage. We don’t deal in underarm bowling, but we can play softball, hardball, or just a good strong game to get you the finance you need. We speak bank and we know that a bit of friendly competition leads to productive negotiating and a better deal for you.

Home loans


You’ve decided it’s time to buy your first home, or maybe you’re ready to sell and upgrade, downgrade, or build a new home. Or is your home ownership situation defined as ‘it’s complicated’? You do you and let us deal with the home loan. Find out if you’re ready to start shopping for a house now or if you need a little bit longer to get ready. Talking to us is free so you get the benefit of our advice and can get your finances shipshape and application ready. We’ll shop the banks for the best deal even if it’s the bank you’re currently banking with –  we know how to push the right buttons. 

Don’t just get any mortgage, get a Stellar Mortgage. 

Business / commercial Loans

Sick of calling an 0800 number and having to explain your whole business situation all over again to a new person? At Stellar Mortgages, you’ll only have to deal with us. No bank manager, no problem. With long-term, in-depth experience in business finance and loans, we can be your business finance superstars.



The bank’s called to say it’s time to refix your mortgage and have given you the latest rates and terms. You want to take advantage of the opportunity to reset the terms of your mortgage but talking to all those banks seems overwhelming – you’re busy and time is running out. We do the work for you and offer you the best range of options we can find so you don’t just settle for any mortgage.


Become a property investor

You’ve worked hard to get where you are saving and chipping away at that mortgage. Now you’re ready to get into the property investment market. Find out how to manage your loans to suit you best as you step into the role of property investor and start planning for future wealth. You might have all the money you need already locked up in equity in your existing home or other investment. We will help you access a Stellar Mortgage for your investment in your future.



Free Money! You want to buy your first home you’ve got KiwiSaver, and you’ve heard about the HomeStart grant. Blah, blah, blah! If you feel like it’s all over your head and you don’t know where to start – do not worry! We talk you through the process of accessing HomeStart funds to help you buy your first home.


“We were down on our luck with the banks on trying to get a mortgage for a place to call our own. But by chance, we came across Leonie and she managed to save the day. She was so easy to deal with, always having a good laugh with her every time we had to deal with her. Just an overall fantastic experience.”